Thursday, July 30, 2009

Throwback Thursday

The date: 1996ish (definitely pre Sept. 11)
The place: George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Houston, TX
The mood: Always be careful when you ask someone else to pick you up at the airport.

Back in our single days in Houston it was common to ask another single to pick you up at the airport if you had to travel for business or go home to visit family. It saved on parking fees and it was usually easy to find a friend to help.

We had a friend named Trey. He was the director of our Sunday School class. He was one of those guys who always had a snappy comeback for everything or a snide remark. He loved pulling pranks and always seemed to have the last laugh. He teased others mercilessly, but was an all around good guy.

Several of us from our class were having dinner together one night and one of the guys said he had to leave to go pick up Trey from the airport.

I may have suggested that we "pick him up" in style. We went home to find appropriate attire and make a poster. I wish the pictures were better quality.

The sign read, "Trey Vick -- Congradulations on ur parole. We knowed you didn't do it." When he got off the plane we all started yelling and cheering and congratulating him on his parole. He was shocked and speechless to say the least. Trey is in the white Polo Sport tshirt.

Yes, that is me in the fluffy pink bathrobe with the towel wrapped around my head. I also had those fluffy slippers too. You can see by the pictures that everyone was very creative.

He never ever told anyone when he was going out of town ever again.

We did pull this little prank a few more times to our unsuspecting friends. Every time I flew after that I always got a little nervous when it was time to deplane.

1 comment:

Traci said...

That is hilarious!!