Friday, July 3, 2009

So Whose Blogs Do You Read?

Sometimes people will ask me what blogs I read. If I were more on top of things, I'd probably have a list in my side bar. But I am not on top of things.

I read other blogs usually because they are funny. Either the writing style or the content or both make me smile. I try to limit the ones I visit because it is easy to get sucked into reading blogs instead of doing important stuff like laundry or making dinner. Here are my top five blogs that I read and why. she is a mom of a five year old girl who lives in San Antonio. Very funny because her daughter reminds me of the female version of Fletcher. this mom also has a five year old son. She lives in Tennessee and her "southern-ness" comes out in her blog. She talks alot about bacon, Southern Living magazine and does recaps of The Office and American Idol and The Bachelor/ette. The recaps are sometimes funnier than the shows themselves. - she is a mom of five year old triplets (gasp!). While this blog records the story of her children, she also has some great spiritual posts that tie her parenting back to God's relationship to us as his children and they really make me think. - here's a city girl who married a rancher and lives in nowhere, Oklahoma with her husband and four kids. She has a great section on her blog for recipes that use normal ingredients (because she can't find any fancy stuff where she lives). Her instructions and photos that go along with each recipe are hilarious. Two thumbs up for her Mac 'n Cheese recipe! - she's a mom of three kids under the age of four but she still puts together awesome posts on deals, giveaways, freebies, etc. I've gotten some fun samples of products and coupons in the mail because I've found the info on her site. There's not much humor but a ton of info if you are looking to save money.

Bonus blog: (note the three f's if you are typing in the site name). I've mentioned this blog before, but he is always good for a laugh especially if you've grown up in church. Except on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays his posts are a little more serious and really make you think.

I do read blogs of personal friends too but I didn't list any of those because I feel like I should ask them first before I start giving out their website.

Happy Fourth of July!

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