Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh My Goodness

What a week!

Fletcher's little illness from the plane turned into a full blown gastrointestinal virus coupled with an ear infection with a pretty high fever and stomach cramps and headaches. He finally started feeling better Sunday afternoon. That's 6 days of sickness. He's never been sick that long. Kevin was out of town until Friday so it was just me and the boys. Luke was not liking all of the attention his big brother was receiving so he decided to be particularly fussy and clingy too. In Luke's little mind I guess he thought Mommy and Fletcher were having a grand ole time playing games without him behind that closed bathroom door. The fact that I wouldn't let him come in the bathroom with us 17 times a day just added to his frustration. Good times.

I took Fletcher to the doctor and the doc said to follow the "BRAT" diet - Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast and Pedialyte since he was having bowel difficulties to put it nicely. He never threw up. It was all in the other direction. Alot in the other direction. Numerous times a day. And several or eight times at night. For six days.


It was a lesson in patience and perserverance for me.

I would not make a good nurse.

Did I mention he doesn't like rice?

We had several conversations that went something like this:
Mom: Why don't you drink some of this Pedialyte.
Fletcher: No
Mom: How about eating some baked potato. I'll make one for you.
F: No
M: Crackers?
F: No
M: Pasta?
F: No
M: Banana?
F: No
M: Toast?
F: (wait for it) No

Are you sensing a pattern here?

F: (Clutching stomach, contorted face) Ohhhhh. My stomach hurts. My head. My head hurts too.
M: Oh buddy I am so sorry you are sick.
F: (crying, with a dramatic flair) I just can't handle this sickness. I need to feel better.
M: Well, the doctor said you need to drink this stuff and eat some of the things I've mentioned
F: No
M: (bites tongue and looks for nearest wall to pound my head against)

I realize Pedialyte doesn't taste very good at all. I finally resorted to making Pedialyte smoothies with bananas, yogurt, peaches, Pedialyte and probiotic powder. Miracle of all miracles - he actually liked it and drank it. So I made more. And continued to make more until now he's had so many bananas that he probably won't poop until Christmas.

But he's feeling better so maybe I'm not such a bad nurse after all.

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

Last week was rough and you weren't alone...I just read my other favorite blog of the morning...check it out:

And now it rains...bummer. No outside play today.