Monday, January 4, 2010

Wii Don't See Eye To Eye

A few months ago Kevin encouraged me to use some of our American Express points to get a new camera that I could carry around in my purse. I posted about it awhile back.

What I didn't post about was what Paul Harvey would call "the rest of the story."

So now that Christmas is over, I can finish the story.

After my camera arrived, we oohed and ahhed over it. I was especially excited because we had gotten it at a 30% discount using those points. After the kids went to bed, Kevin mentioned that he had something else to show me. He brings a rather large bag out from hiding. He also used our points and the 30% off discount to buy a Wii gaming system for Fletcher for Christmas.

Wii had already discussed this. Wii did not see eye to eye. This part of wii was NOT happy. Wii were going to wait a few years before wii did the whole video game stuff. Or so I thought. I wanted Fletcher to learn to read first so that I wouldn't have to constantly help him get to the right screen, click on the right thing, etc. Plus if he was having any trouble reading, this could be the proverbial carrot wii could use to motivate him to do whatever it takes to learn to read. I also thought wii could wait a few years since boys especially can get a little consumed by video games and not want to do much else. Kevin thought it would be fun for the entire family.

The verdict is still out for me. Fletcher loves it and is having fun. In addition to Wii Sports he also has Mario Kart so he is improving his driving skills. Maybe we will get a reduction in our insurance premium when he starts driving in 10 years. I hear teenage boys are expensive to insure. Santa also brought Kevin a Cabela's Big Game Hunter game for the Wii so Kevin is having fun too. But we've already had a few tears (Fletcher, not Kevin) when we haven't let him play for hours on end.

Wii will give you an update in a few months to see if this little toy has won me over.


Georgia Girl said...

Wii have one of those and I can never find the time to play. Wii just got MarioKart for Christmas, too. I love when it comes up and says "MarioKart wiiiiii".

Anonymous said...

Wii have had a wii for 2 years now. Curt got Rock Band for his birthday and that has been lots of fun. All in all, Wii love especially comes in handy as a punishment tool.

JC said...

This made me laugh SO hard.