Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Bits, Four Bits

Fletcher is playing in a kindergarten basketball league this season. The boys play on half court with lowered goals. I have to say that after the first few practices, I was wondering if we had made the right decision. Trying to run while dribbling is hard for five and six year olds. Blocking, passing, and shooting while running and dribbling seemed almost impossible. However, I am amazed at their progress over the last few weeks.

Video disclaimer: I was holding Luke in my lap (so he wouldn't run on to the court) while I was filming so the quality is not that great. I hope to get some better footage near the end of the season to mark his progress. Fletcher did make three baskets during this game, but of course, I didn't get any of those on video much to Fletcher's disappointment.

Their "league" has four teams. This was the first time the coordinator called out their names and let them run to the middle of the court before the game started. Can you tell Fletcher thought this was the coolest thing ever?

Please note #5 on the opposing team. That boy knows what his job is and he is very serious about it. I have to laugh when I see these kids. To me Fletcher is just a normal kindergartner. I forget that he is and has always been in the 98th + percentile for height so he towers over some of the other kindergartners in this league.

My Mother of the Year Moment: After about the third practice I was wondering why Fletcher seemed to be slipping and falling on the court. At first, I thought he was doing it on purpose just being silly. But then I looked at the bottom of his tennis shoes. His tennis shoes that he has worn daily since the first day of school back in August. There was no tread. None. They were completely smooth. He might as well have been wearing socks to play. I felt terrible. Needless to say, that day I ordered basketball shoes for him. He is convinced they make him run faster and jump higher.


Georgia Girl said...

That is AWESOME!!!

All Things Istre of Katy said...

That is awesome! But, let me get this straight... you had to order special basketball shoes... for a kindergartner?

rg said...

Taking a 6 yr old and a 2 yr old shoe shopping ranks right up there next to root canals. Shopping online in my pajamas and finding a great deal is much easier.