Friday, January 15, 2010

Three Things - Fletcher & Luke

Three things about Fletcher and Luke:
1. They have both discovered the joys of Skype. They like Skype-ing with aunts and uncles and cousins (and hopefully grandparents as soon as they get webcams). I told Kevin that the technology must blow Luke's mind. Seeing people on a screen and knowing they can see you too. It is a bit much to take in. They can't wait to Skype with Daddy when he is out of town.

2. If one of them gets hurt, the other will ask, "How many kisses do you need? Two or five?" This is the same thing I ask them when they get hurt. If Luke is really upset, he will always say "five". Luke responds well to Fletcher. But it drives Fletcher crazy and annoys him if the hurt is real. That doesn't stop Luke. He continues to get in Fletcher's face and kiss and hug and say, "What wrong, Che-cher? What matter?" Luke's wife will appreciate this one day - maybe.

3. It is Fletcher's job to help Luke wash his hands before dinner each night. They go into their bathroom while I am getting dinner on the table. I hope they use soap... Can you tell I've chosen to let this one go. A big step for me.

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