Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Three Things - Sadie

I can't leave her out.

1. She is now 10 years old and going strong. We've had to start giving her vitamins for bones and joints. In her mind I still think she wonders when these two boy children will be leaving since she was here first.

2. Picture the size of a little paperback book. Picture that book with a leather cover and strap that ties around it to keep it closed. That would be Kevin's journal. Sadie ate the entire leather cover and strap last week. Not one single crumb left anywhere in the house. You can just imagine how that came out. Both ends. That's all I'm gonna say in case any of you are eating while reading this.

3. She has decided in her old age that the consequence is worth the risk. If there's food on the counter or food in Luke's hand, she'll try to grab it even though she knows she will get in trouble for it. Doesn't matter. We now have to put her on her leash and attach it to the stairs during meal prep and eating times. She's not exactly setting the best example for the boys. How do I know? After tell her several times, "Get down, Sadie" while I was trying to get Luke a snack, Luke looked at her and said, "Wisten and obey, Babie."

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