Friday, January 22, 2010

Three Things - Rachel

Well, I guess it would be weird if I covered everyone else and their "Three Things" and didn't do my own. So here goes.

1. I mentioned that I did Beth Moore's Esther Bible study last fall at church. This time I am doing Shepherding Your Child's Heart by Ted Tripp. It is interesting so far. The basic thought is that behavior issues are the overflow of heart issues (pride, selfishness, unkindess, etc). You can get a child to exhibit correct outward behavior, but if his heart is still prideful, selfish, etc then that's really not going to help him in the long run.

2. The high school students in Fletcher's school go on a mission trip to Nicaragua each summer. Many of you know we used to take our college students on mission trips every year when we were in college ministry in Florida. We miss being able to do that. With small children, we can't go this year, but we are helping them get ready. Kevin is helping with fundraising. I'm helping them with applications, passports, forms, etc. I like the organization part of things and it is something I can do from home while Luke is napping. It is so neat to see these kids interested and excited about missions. I hope and pray both of our boys develop a heart for missions and seeing God's message of hope and salvation shared with everyone around the world.

3. Umm...I'm having trouble coming up with this one. I'm trying to spend less time on the computer in 2010. With Facebook, emails, reading blogs, and writing this blog, I find that I can spend way too much time on the computer. Maybe I'll start playing the Wii more.

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