Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You Smell Something?

The four of us are driving in the car on the way to dinner after tball practice.

Luke: Mama, I smell sumptin'
Mom: You smell something? What do you smell?
Luke: I smell 'moke.
Mom: You smell smoke? (Not really sure where he was going with this since I didn't smell anything)
Luke: Yes. I do.
Mom: (to no one in particular) I wonder where that's coming from...
Luke: It coming from my bottom.

Oh that child. I guess bathroom humor is a built in gender thing.

So an update on the potty training front. He is doing great! He has really caught on quickly. We gave all of his diapers to our friend's baby. We've had very few accidents. He is even waking up dry after naps and nightime which is shocking. He is actually starting to tell me he needs to go instead of me taking him every so often. He is even p00ping on the potty too. Next we need to transition to the regular potty. He also said he wants to do it standing up. Oh my. I told him he had to be three to do that so hopefully that will give me a few more months. A big test will be tomorrow at preschool. Last week, he stayed dry, but didn't go the whole time he was there. Four hours. That's a seriously strong bladder!

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

Awesome! And totally a gender thing, I hope. Caleb announced this weekend at a bday party, "I need to pee-pee in the grass". Nice...nothing like living in the country. And he's been into saying what I call bathroom words a lot lately, so whenever we are in the bathroom he gets a kick out of saying "pee-pee, poop"...I figure if he knows a place he can say those things and get it out of his system (literally and figuratively) life is good. BTW...he still sits down on most accounts.