Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Garden Update

Here are a few pictures of our garden. Amazingly enough, things seem to be growing even though I haven't spent nearly as much time "researching" everything this year. Fortunately, we've been getting alot of rain almost daily here in the afternoons so I haven't had to remember to water everything.

These are the tomato plants. The cherry tomatoes have several small tomatoes on them. These are Kevin's job since I really messed up our tomato plants last year (blight) and since I don't really eat tomatoes anyway. We are keeping them on the deck to monitor them closely. They are a little droopy in this picture because I took the pics late in the day and it had been sunny all day.

Those ridiculously tall things are Fletcher's sunflowers. He brought a tiny plant home from school and we put it in the garden along with a few other seeds we had leftover from last year. I have a feeling these are going to get huge.
These are our cucumbers with a squash in the middle (don't ask). Last year our cucumbers were the only thing that grew and they sort of took over the garden and were climbing all over the little fence. This solution may not work for the long haul. I couldn't remember how many plants we bought last year (3) so we bought some this year (6). Oops! I think it is safe to say we will have plenty of cucumbers. That's a crooked neck yellow squash in the orange pot in the back corner.
The plants in the green trellis are baby watermelons. They seem to be growing fine. The other plants between the trellis and the sunflowers are squash and a variety of pepper plants (bell and banana) and a basil plant. My cilantro is to the left of the green trellis. I am sad to say it isn't looking so hot. I love cilantro and was hoping it would take off. Our blueberry bushes are in the orange pots next to the garden. They do have lots of new leaves but no berries. I think I probably need to transplant them directly into the ground.
These are Kevin's jalapeno plants. I didn't want them in the regular garden in case the kids touched them. He accidentally whacked one of them with the weed eater, but I think they survived. You can see one single pepper growing in the very center of the photo.

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