Thursday, May 6, 2010

Glad I Have a Large Capacity Washer

There are some things about parenting that are so incredibly fun: first smile, first words, first steps, funny conversations, watching your child play with bubbles, sloppy kisses, "I wub yous", etc.

There are some things about parenting that are not so fun: teething, middle of the night fevers, interrupted naps, stomach viruses, mean kids at the playground and potty training.

Yesterday was day one of potty training. I was going to wait until this summer, but thought it might be helpful to have some "positive peer pressure" at school since the majority of the kids in his class are either trained or training. I decided to adopt the all or nothing, now or never approach. He wears a pull up at naptime and night time otherwise he is in underwear. We had some success yesterday and several accidents. But he'll get there. We have piles of books by the big potty and the little potty. My backside is sore from sitting on the floor or the edge of the tub reading to him. His teachers at school said they will help him too - just pack lots of extra clothes. We'll stay close to home the next few days until he starts to get the hang of it.

He loves the M&M's or lollipop he gets to have if he is successful! I am sure Daddy loves the phone calls he receives at work too.

This is his "I'm so proud" face.

My little guy is growing up!


saintdee01 said...


Georgia Girl said...

Incredibly fun: Baby's first step
Not so fun: Mommy missing it while at work

Hey - I like his shirt - looks oddly familiar.

Is it bad that my soon to be 4yo still wears a pull up to bed at night. might just be time to start using my large capacity washer, too. Not so fun!

Once this is behind you - wow!!

rg said...

Fletcher was definitely in a pull up at night until he was probably almost 5. I was so afraid of accidents that I waited until he woke up dry every day for about a month before we switched to underwear. It takes time.