Sunday, May 16, 2010

It All Adds Up

I typically don't post on the weekends, but today is our anniversary.

1 boy
1 girl
7 months of dating
1 proposal
9 month engagement
1 wedding
890 miles - our move from Houston to Jacksonville, FL right after our wedding
4 cities - Houston, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, here
2 apartments - Portofino, Polos on Park
1 townhouse - Saintsbury
3 houses - Chapelwood Lane, Planters Ridge Drive, our current home
17 sets of memorable neighbors (the Tall people, The Witness Protection people, the Petersons)
5 vehicles - Honda Accord, Ford Bronco, Nissan Maxima, Ford F150, Honda Pilot
5 jobs for me - teacher, computer trainer, financial assistant, ministry assistant, college director, stay at home mom
2 companies for you - St. Joe, Newland
7 title changes, promotions, new business cards for you (I think - I've lost track)
1 dog - Sadie
8 churches - Second, Southside, Chets, Northwoods, TRBC, WCC, SB, FBCW (zoinks!)
3 small groups
2 foreign countries - Mexico, Costa Rica
5 mission trips - Missouri, Mexico, Mississippi, Costa Rica x 2
100 college students
600 pizzas
3000 miles - church van driving (you)
20 FSU football games and tailgate parties
2000 bowls of ice cream (you)
200 online purchases (me)
5 vacations without kids
6 vacations with kids
1 failed in vitro attempt
2 successful adoptions
2 little boys who light up our world
2100 bath nights (you)
40 pediatrician visits (me)
6 visits from Santa
8 birthday parties
4 bike/trike assemblies
5 lost teeth
5 middle of the night throw up clean ups
6 snow days
300 Saturdays "hanging out with Dad"
2 gardens
2 tball teams
1 basketball team
1 Coach Dad
1 pathetic soccer attempt
75 trips to the neighborhood swimming pool
2 trips to the emergency room (Kevin & Luke)
7 Mother's Day celebrations
6 Father's Day celebrations
4 new hobbies (surfing, guitar, electric guitar, blogging)
5000+ airline miles flying to visit family
2 trips to Stone Mountain
1 surprise trip to New York
1 less than stellar trip to the Biltmore
5 visits to Watercolor
1 trip to Baltimore with a rented convertible and amazing fireworks show
4 loving, supportive parents
8 fun brothers and sisters and brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws
10 nieces and nephews
3 great nieces and nephews
3 goodbyes (my grandmother, your grandmother and grandfather)
1 potentially scary health diagnosis
0 major surgeries or health problems
1000 decisions (or indecisions) about landscaping and home decorating
13 home improvement projects
4 craigslist adventures
57 nights away from home (you)
6 girls weekends (me)
50 "intense discussions"
500 dinners out
3000 phone calls
4300 good night kisses
1 commitment to God and each other


12 years of a wild ride with an amazing, godly man. I still can't believe you picked me.

Happy Anniversary, Kevin! I love you!

*I'd love to say I came up with the idea for this post all on my own but I saw it on another blog from a husband to his wife and thought it was a fun idea.


Kevin said...

Thanks Rachel.

Happy Anniversary! I love you.


Unknown said...

Rachel: 8,000 words
Kevin: 8

I had to smile! Love and miss you guys. You need to add another move to your list!

Traci said...

So cool!! Happy Anniversary!!