Monday, August 18, 2008

Swishy swashy swishy swashy

How often can a mommy read a book in one day without going crazy?

Luke's favorite book is "We're Going on A Bear Hunt". I think it is bordering on an obsession.

First, he finds this book on his bookshelf. I sometimes try to hide it, but he still finds it (just being honest). It doesn't matter that there are 25 other age-appropriate, compelling, colorful board books on his shelf. He chooses this one. Every. Single. Time. He can be happily playing with other toys, but if he sees this book, he drops everything and wants to read it.

After he finds it, he brings it to me wherever I am in the house (including the bathroom). Then just like the garbage truck, he backs into me and sits down. He hasn't mastered the backup beeping noise yet, but the boy knows how to find a lap! He lifts the book up to my face and waits for me to read it. I read the highlights on each page because he loves to turn the pages. He gets really excited when they find the bear and have to run home. Luke waves bye-bye to the bear on the last page.

I have it memorized. Fletcher has it memorized. Even Sadie has it memorized.

I love the fact that he loves books too just like Fletcher. And I know babies like repetition. But this is getting a little ridiculous.

So if anyone knows how to teach a dog to read. . .

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