Friday, August 29, 2008

I just hope there's not a line

I really love the "spiritual" conversations I have with Fletcher. He asks good questions and comes up with some interesting conclusions. This was our dinner conversation:

Fletcher: Mom, we'll be in heaven someday, right?
Mom: That's right
F: A long time from now?
M: Well, the Bible tells us that God has our days planned out and when our time here is done He will call us home to heaven
F: He's not going to CALL us

I immediately realize Fletcher is envisioning a phone call from God saying "Time's up."
But before I can say anything else ---

F: He is going to BRING us up, up, up into heaven. He's not going to CALL us.
M: Yeah, ok
F: And his throne will be there.
M: Yes, and we will be able to worship him there and sing with other believers and see people who have gone there before us.

At this moment, I am so proud of his grasp of God and heaven. I am marveling at how smart he is and how he really does listen.

F: Mom, what do I do if I have to go to the bathroom when I'm there.
M: I'm sure God has that all figured out.

Well, at least he's thinking ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That kid is so smart! :)