Friday, May 1, 2009

Praying for Michael

We have some very special friends that live in the Houston area - Michael and Christie and their daughter GraceAnn. Michael was a groomsman in our wedding. They were dating and got married just a few weeks before Kevin and I did. We've kept up with them through the years and we were able to see them this past Christmas. Their firstborn son was born with Downs Syndrome and he passed away when he was 8 months old. We grieved with them through their loss. We rejoiced with them a few years later when they adopted their precious little girl GraceAnn who is now 4 years old.

Recently Michael, an avid runner, photographer, business owner, and all around active wonderful guy, was having trouble with his hip. They found a large tumor on his bone and had to do surgery and remove the tumor and replace part of his hip. The tumor was a malignant cancer. On Monday, May 4, he starts some intensive chemotherapy for several months.

They both have an incredible faith in God and believe He is in control and is with them every step of the way on this journey. Michael is the most positive, upbeat, optimistic person you could ever meet. They sign every update they send out with "God is good all the time" and I know they believe that. But cancer is hard.

Will you please pray for this family? They have already been through so much. Pray for God's complete healing and provision (Michael owns his own business and Christie only works part time). Also, pray that the side effects of the chemo will be minimal. Finally, pray for GraceAnn who doesn't completely understand why Daddy is sick.

They do have a website on Caring Bridge if you'd like to read more.

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