Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, PawPaw

In 1934, here are some of the things that were happening in the world:

  • The first Flash Gordon comic strip was published
  • A team of police officers ambushed Bonnie and Clyde near Black Lake, Louisiana killing both of them
  • A Studebaker truck cost $625 and gas was 10 cents a gallon.
  • The song Winter Wonderland was written

In 1934, a baby was born near Hathaway, Louisiana. That's 75 years ago in case you have trouble with math. He was really tiny. The doctor at the time told his mom (my grandmother) to put him in a shoebox and only take him out to feed him. How's that for advice? I don't think she used the lid. . . He survived and thrived. Grew up helping his dad on a rice farm. Went on to serve his country in the Air Force. Came back and met a beautiful young lady at a rollerskating rink. Married her. Had four kids. (Shhh, don't tell the others but the last one is his favorite.) Served (and still does) at his church as a deacon and Sunday School teacher to 4 & 5 year olds. Worked for over 35 years for the same company and never took a sick day. Not one. Ever. Retired. Sings tenor in the choir. Can cook some seriously awesome food like gumbo, pork loin, roast, and fried shrimp. Has a great garden and a Facebook account. Has 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Understands what Jesus meant about loving and serving "the least of these".

Happy Birthday, Dad (and PawPaw). We love you and we hope you have a wonderful day!


GranDee said...


All Things Istre of Katy said...

Have a great day dad!

Traci, Cade, & Bear said...

Great Post!! Happy Birthday Pawpaw!!

We Love You!!

Thom Trahan said...

This post actually made me tear up a little.

I look at pawpaw and hope that people say things like that about me when I get to his age. He provided an amazing example of how to live for Christ.

Donna said...

You always make me cry! What a huge legacy he has built!!