Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lydia and Happy Easter!

Our niece Lydia is the big 14 today! She's named after our mawmaw (awww!). Have a wonderful birthday. We love you!

We'll have a quiet Easter weekend this year. Last year we were in Louisiana at my family's annual crawfish boil and the year before that we were in Florida with Kevin's family. This year we are both helping with the preschool and children's classes on Sunday morning so it will be the standard issue preschool ministry tshirt and jeans for me. Sorry, no Easter bonnet this year.

We will be going to an Easter egg hunt at our neighbor's house on Friday. Saturday morning we are going to attempt to dye eggs with the boys. I'm sure we'll have some pics for Monday.

I'll leave you with a video of my favorite Easter song. The words are so powerful. I get goosebumps every time I hear it. I heard a pastor once say that Christmas is a big deal, but without Easter, Christmas wouldn't matter much. Easter gives us hope for eternity. Amen!

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