Friday, April 3, 2009

"CPI Security. Please Identify Yourself"

A few weeks ago Luke had a little virus. Thankfully, it was mostly just a high fever and not the vomiting and diarrhea that other kids were getting.

Now you have to picture all of this in your head:

In the middle of the night (technically about 2 am), Luke started to cry. He rarely does this. I woke up and thought I would wait a minute to see if he would go back to sleep. Actually, I went to the bathroom because I am now officially old and have to do this at least once in the middle of the night anyway. Plus, this detail is important for what I am about to share.

Up to this point, Kevin was still sleeping.

I was just standing in our dark bedroom waiting.

Luke cried a little more and then he let out a loud scream.

At that moment our security system started going off and it said "Glass break in bedroom three."

Kevin woke up.

Our security system is incredibly loud at 2am.

Bedroom three is Luke's room. I thought someone had broken in to his room and was trying to take him and that is why he was screaming. **

Good thing I had already gone to the bathroom otherwise I would have wet my pants I was so scared.

Then the real live voice our monitored security system came on and said, "CPI Security. Please identify yourself." Kevin gave his name and our password. The Voice asked, "Is everyone OK?"

While all of this is happening I had run in to Luke's room to make sure he was OK. He was feverish, but otherwise fine.

He had screamed so loudly and at just the right pitch that he rattled the window enough to set off the glass break monitor in his room. (Picture the opera singer hitting the high note and shattering the wine glass.)

How's that for a set of lungs?

Can I just say that I was so very thankful that Kevin was not out of town that particular night?

Fletcher never woke up.

**I realize logically if someone were breaking in, the glass break alarm would sound BEFORE Luke would start screaming. But at 2 AM my brain was not thinking clearly. I was just in mama bear mode trying to protect my cubs!

On another note, I'm working on slurping (their technical term) my blog into so I can have a hardbound book of all of our blog entries. Since this blog is sort of like an online baby book for the boys, it will be nice to have a hard copy to give to the boys some day. And we can remember which one screamed so loud he set off the alarm!


Thom Trahan said...

That is officially awesome. You need to call Professor Xavier, quick!

Traci said...

LOL!! That would've been so scary!! How did Fletcher not hear any of this?? I wish I could sleep that hard.

Anonymous said...

I would have completely wigged out!

Georgia Girl said...

That's just craziness!! My inlaws have a system like that and actually broke glass to test it out and it didn't work!! Who knew they just needed a toddler's cry?!?!!