Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Garden Update

It was supposed to hit 32 degrees last night. In April. Six days before Easter. 32 degrees. The weather here confuses me.

So far our garden seems to be doing well, but I'm not sure how the plants will handle these crazy temps. Here are some pictures.
Green things coming up - don't appear to be weeds. This is a good sign.
Our strawberry plants are starting to flower. A couple of plants died, but we planted four more.
Broccoli and buttercrunch lettuce. I thought the broccoli wasn't going to make it, but it has rallied and looks like it might be ok. We'll be making a teeny tiny salad any day now with the lettuce.
Our onions and carrots. The onions are looking rough. The carrots have a ways to go.

These are our blueberry bushes. An impulse buy at Sam's Club. There were four bushes - early, mid and late bearing so I thought we'd try them since the boys love blueberries. They are so expensive in the store! The plants we bought are two years old. From what I've read, a plant has to be three years old to really start producing. So we will probably get a few berries this year and then have to find a spot to transplant them for next year. Blueberry bushes need more room than what they can have in this small garden so we'll either put them directly into the ground or find some very large pots.
So there you have it. We've gotten enough rain in the last few weeks that we haven't had to do any watering. Let's hope that rain continues!
Now I have to figure out how to plant our summer plants - tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. I'll either need another bed or have to wait until the broccoli and lettuce is done. April 15 is supposed to be the "magic" day around here, but after last nights low temps, I'm not so sure.

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