Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Doctors and Bravery Bags

Last week was check up time. It was supposed to be for Fletcher's 5 year and Luke's 18 month check-ups. We were just a little late.

Fletcher weighs 52.8 lbs and is 48 inches tall. That puts him in the 99th percentile for height and 93 percentile for weight. Luke is 29 lbs 8 ounces and 34 inches tall (84th and 81 percentiles, respectively). Doctor summary: "Wow! Your boys are big. "

Fletcher had to get a shot to finish out his immunizations for kindergarten. He knew beforehand that he was going to get a shot. We talked about being brave and how it would only hurt for a second. It would be ok to cry if he needed to. I even told him he would receive a "Bravery Bag" (a bag with a small toy) if he did ok.

I hate shots too - ask my mom. I've gotten so worked up I've passed out when I got a shot which is somewhat embarrassing at age 15. So I feel his pain.

As you can imagine, when the time came there was drama. Lots of drama. The doctor gave Fletcher a playful pinch on the arm to show him that it would only hurt a little. Fletcher started crying saying that the pinch "really hurt". Great. The nurse came in with the shot. More crying. Luke is laughing and I am trying to keep Luke from unplugging the various medical equipment in the room. The nurse is speaking calmly to Fletcher, but of course he can't hear her because he is screaming at this point. He was getting the shot in his leg so I asked him if he wanted to sit up or lay down. More screaming and then kicking. Eventually, I had to lay on top of him and hold his hands while she gave him the shot. These are the parenting moments I just hate.

So then there was my parenting dilemma. Does he get the Bravery Bag or not? I caved and gave it to him (see above paragraph about my shot experience). All was right with the world. An Indiana Jones Lego Motorcycle Chase Scene Set can do wonders.

Later, we were getting lunch ready and I asked him whether he thought he really deserved the Bravery Bag based on his behavior.

His response?

"Well, Mom. I was really brave on the inside. You just couldn't quite see it on the outside."


1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

It's the thought that counts, right? I love his response! How do they come up with these things? And the drama, oh the drama. Always a little funnier in retrospect.