Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cutting The Cord

Or maybe I should title this "Pulling The Plug".

On Sunday we returned our cable box/DVR to the cable company. We are back to basic cable with 20 or so channels - I think we get the major networks, PBS and maybe QVC?! We were paying a ridiculous amount of money each month for what seemed like hundreds of channels. We only watch a handful of shows and I don't let the boys watch much tv anyway. So we decided to go back to basic cable since most of the shows we do watch are on the networks anyway. The thing we will probably miss the most is the DVR. It was nice to have a few shows set to record for us and for the boys and just watch them whenever we felt like it.

Kevin is looking into TiVo but I'd like to just try what we have for awhile. Plus, I've discovered hulu.com. Our library has lots of kids DVDs available for checkout that are absolutely FREE so I'm going to try that for Fletcher & Luke. We'll see how it goes.


All Things Istre of Katy said...

that deserves an atta boy! I got rid of satellite and built my own home theatre pc. I am loving it. Hulu, mlbtv and netflix allow me to choose what I want to watch. If I could only skip the commercials on hulu this would be perfect.

Traci said...

Try surfthechannel.com too. It has tons to watch.

We got rid of DVR about 9 months ago...it was a very sad day. It took a while to get adjusted to watching live tv again.

We are also fixing to get rid of cable and just use the digital rabbit ears.

Meagan said...

good for you! i haven't had TV of any kind for about 5 years now; I watch everything online. I'm getting basic cable once I stay home with the baby. I love hulu and netflix is a great value, especially the on demand movies and TV shows. Love it!