Monday, February 23, 2009

Proud Family Moments

You know how sometimes family members have gifts and talents that they may not share with everyone? There may be a sister who can crochet or a brother that can juggle or a nephew that can burp the alphabet without taking a breath or a husband whose head is filled with random triva or a cousin who has a metal plate in her head.

Sometimes these talents go unrecognized for years and thus, the family member is never properly encouraged to use and develop these talents to better his or her family or community.

And sometimes all that creativity stays bottled up for so long that it finally explodes and you get this:

This is a cake. A real edible cake. Created by my brother and my niece. For their annual Church Youth Mission Cake Auction Fund Raiser. Wait? Did I just say church? Yes, indeed I did. Don't click on it to enlarge it unless you want to be grossed out.

Yeah, so those pictures of Luke didn't happen this weekend. It was really cold here and his nose was running constantly so they wouldn't have turned out very good. Maybe next weekend.

1 comment:

All Things Istre of Katy said...

please don't forget about Monette. She was instrumental in helping use with the icing. Haven't heard the final results, but it did sell (yeah!). Brian's cake also sold. (We did not do anything special for his)