Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Like Sands Through The Hour Glass

These are the days of our lives. . .

Kevin is out of town.

Fletcher has some kind of illness. In the interest of not grossing you out like I did on Monday's post, let's just say we've gone through about 6 pairs of underwear on Tuesday and he stayed home from school.

Luke and Fletcher's allergies have their noses running like faucets. I feel like I should just carry around the Kleenex box or at the very least shove a bunch in my bra since I seem to be wiping noses constantly. Luke runs away every time he sees me coming to wipe his nose and he's been really cranky.

I am not complaining. This is just part of having kids. Fletcher probably picked up his illness from church on Sunday. We've managed to make it through this winter with very little illness in our house. There have been some serious stomach viruses, colds and other junk going around and thankfully we've remained relatively healthy. I know there are parents whose kids are constantly sick with ear infections or viruses or who knows what. Our kids must eat dirt when I am not looking because their immune systems are pretty tough.

But did I mention Kevin was out of town?


Anonymous said...

out of desperation, I remember my mom making "Kleenex plugs" for our very runny noses..gross? yes...did it work? she did not have to wipe a nose for at least an hour;)

Georgia Girl said...

Ugh...maybe I'm glad C's still in diapers. He was out with pink eye yesterday.

I must say I'm a huge fan of saline Nasal Mist for Caleb. He calls it 'nose squirts', but I've found it seems to keep down the runny nose and gets the gunk out faster. He was quite familiar with the green bulb, too.