Friday, February 6, 2009

Picky, Picky

I think I have mentioned this before on this blog, but I was a very picky eater growing up. Nowadays, most pediatricians tell parents of picky eaters to "serve a wide variety of foods", "don't make it a battle", and "they'll eat when they are hungry". Well, I was a little on the thin side and I was very stubborn. I think my parents were concerned that I would starve just to prove my point so eating was always a battle. I'm thankful now that they made me try new things and didn't make any special accomodations or meals for me. As I grew older, I did start eating a wider variety of foods, but I'm still not the most adventurous eater in the world.

Can I just tell you that I am very thankful that my boys are not like me when it comes to food!!! I worried that my children would also be picky eaters. But these boys continually amaze me with what they will eat.

The other day I made a spinach salad and Fletcher ate it for dinner and the again for lunch the next day. Spinach! I know some adults who don't eat that. A few nights ago we had a different kind of lettuce with our dinner. We had finished eating and Fletcher said, "I'm still hungry." I asked him what he wanted and he said (I am not making this up), "I think I'll have more salad."

I bought some cauliflower the other day because it was on sale. I found a recipe that was basically baking it in olive oil and garlic until it was crunchy. Luke ate a huge serving that night at dinner and ate more the next day! Cauliflower.

I realize they won't always necessarily be like this, but it sure is nice right now. I want to document it so later on when they won't eat certain things I can remind them of how it used to be.


Georgia Girl said...

As long as we call it steak, Caleb will try most meat at least once, including venison. Seems he's into Mac & Cheese the most right now, though. I've never been able to get a bite of salad in his mouth. Do they make salad that looks like Mac & Cheese??

Georgia Girl said...

I finally took a moment to see your site at home versus work (again...shhhh...don't tell) and I love the banner. I can't see that at work. It's darling.