Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I realize Valentine's Day is actually on Saturday but since I don't post anything on Saturday I figured we do it a day early.

Valentine's Day is an interesting holiday. My husband thinks it is a cruel conspiracy created by the Hallmark corporation to force people into spending lots of money to profess undying love for those they care about. In fact, the first time I ever hung out with Kevin was in late January. We were all at a restaurant waiting for our table (I had been invited by some of my friends who were also friends with Kevin). Kevin was on his soapbox about Valentines Day explaining that guys just can't win on that day. If they go all out then the girl will expect that every time. If they don't do much, then the girl will think the guy is a loser. I remember interrupting him in mid sentence and asking him, "Does this mean I won't be getting any flowers from you on Valentine's Day?" He was speechless. For the record, we went on our first date Jan. 31 and he did in fact give me flowers on that Valentine's Day (another very funny story).

This year Fletcher is excited about giving Valentines to his preschool class. He choose Star Wars cards. We also made a few homemade cards to mail to our families. Our Valentine's Day will be very low key. I know all of my boys love me and I don't need flowers or candy or chocolates on a particular day of the year for them to prove it to me. Plus, they all know I keep myself well supplied with my "secret stash" of dark chocolate M&M's. So honey, you are off the hook.

I'll leave you with some pictures of our cute boys. They were watching TV. I use the term "watching" very loosely with Luke. He sits on the sofa for about 3 seconds then climbs down and runs away. I can get him to sit a little longer if I tell him to hold Fletcher's hand.


Thom Trahan said...

Katie and I got our card yesterday! Tell Fletcher thanks a lot for the hug! It was a really cute card, too!

JC said...

I totally agree with Kevin - it is a conspiracy. I told Jimmy from day one that presents aren't my love language, and also that I'd kill him if he got me anything on Valentine's Day. He's been a good boy so far. :)

I want to hear the flowers story, and still waiting on the Jimmy Hendrix story!