Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This has been going around Facebook so some of you have seen my list. But I'm having some blogger's block which is similar to writer's block and I don't have much to write about this week. I keep waiting for the boys to do or say something funny, but they are not coming through for me.

1. I eat M&M’s two at a time and they have to be the same color. When I get to the end of the bag, if the colors don’t match up, I go with the ones that are the closest on the color wheel. Hey, this list is supposed to be random. Don’t judge me.
2. I can’t eat M&Ms at the movie theater because it is dark and that limits my color matching ability.
3. I don’t wear much jewelry – usually just my wedding ring and earrings.
4. I love to travel. I’ve been to Israel, Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil, and several states. Sometime for fun and sometimes on mission trips.
5. I really like going to bed and waking up with a clean kitchen sink so I run our dishwasher after dinner. My husband eats a bowl of ice cream every night before bed. He puts the dish, spoon, and ice cream scoop in my clean sink every night. We’ve been married for ten years. I try to let some things go.
6. I don’t do Starbucks, manicures, pedicures, massages, etc (only with a gift card).
7. My one guilty pleasure is having someone clean my house every two weeks (see #6 – this is my justification)
8. My favorite place is Watercolor, Florida. It’s beautiful and it holds fun memories for us.
9. I am not athletic at all. My lowest grade in college was in Tennis. Apparently, I could do integrals and derivatives in Calculus; I just couldn’t hit a small yellow ball with a racket.
10. I am highly competitive at board game and card games. I admit the ugly side of me comes out. This has caused some intense moments in my marriage.
11. I used to work for a computer software training company. One of our clients was the PGA TOUR. I worked on a project for three years where I would fly to the PGA TOUR and Senior PGA TOUR tournaments and teach the pro golfers how to use their new laptop computer that IBM had given them. I taught the players how to check emails, check their stats, their retirement accounts (zoinks!) and other things. I got to go to awesome places in Hawaii, California, Arizona, etc. all on the company tab. I don’t really follow golf so I didn’t know most of the players coming in for training. I do have some fun stories from those trips, but they are too long to share in this list.
12. Both of our boys are adopted. The older one looks a little like Kevin and the younger one looks a little like me. I think that’s neat.
13. I don’t scrapbook. I’m not that creative. I blog instead.
14. I love finding bargains either in stores or online. But I don’t buy it just because it is on sale.
15. I hate fashion trends. They annoy me. Or maybe I’m just not funky enough to pull them off so go ahead and wear your trendy scarf tied 43 different ways with your UGGs.
16. I over think home decorating decisions. That is why we’ve lived in our new house for almost a year and a half and still don’t have many pictures hung on the walls.
17. I really love good Tex-Mex . Unfortunately, TexMex in Florida and North Carolina stinks.
18. I wear socks to bed because my feet are like ice cubes. But I end up taking them off in the middle of the night. Consequently, my sheets are filled with numerous pairs of socks. I think this annoys Kevin (see #5 ).
19. I really don’t like cold weather – 75 degrees or higher is comfortable to me.
20. I loved teaching Sunday School to college students and singles – haven’t done it in years. Miss it a lot.
21. Clutter drives me crazy.
22. “I was in a band in college” sounds better than “I was in a Christian singing group in college that travelled to churches.”
23. I met Kevin at our singles group at church. We dated for 7 months before he proposed then we were married 9 months later. He proposed using chocolate chip cookies from the Doubletree Hotel (my favorites) and the lyrics to the George Strait song “Check Yes or No”. He didn’t sing them. He wrote on a piece of paper “Will you marry me? Check yes or no.” I was freaking out because I didn’t have a pen. He said a verbal response would be sufficient.
24. My current favorite show is The Office, but I was really sad when Friends went off the air.
25. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m 40 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll have to try that "I was in a band" thing.