Thursday, November 13, 2008

Throwback Thursday/Thankful Thursday

The management at Snickelfritz Lane has decided to temporarily suspend Throwback Thursdays until we get our new computer set up and hopefully, possibly (Hint, Hint- Kevin) get one of those cool scanner/copier/fax machines so I can scan some of my older pictures. Have you seen the wireless scanners? Fancy!

We will return to our regularly scheduled programming in December. (Because I know I have some great Christmas throwback photos around here somewhere.)

Since Thanksgiving is in November, Thursdays this month will be Thankful Thursdays.

Today I am thankful for two birthmothers who chose to give life to my sons. And then they chose to let me adopt them and be their mom. I just got back from the playground with Fletcher and Luke. Watching them run, jump, climb, play, laugh and just live makes me so happy. I just can't put into words how honored and thankful I am to the young ladies who gave me this opportunity to live out my dream of being a mom.


Anonymous said...

I'll say AMEN to that!

Vonda said...

That is beautiful Rachel! What a blessing to be a Mama and I know you're a GREAT ONE!