Monday, November 17, 2008

And So It Begins

5:00 pm

Sunday evening.

I walk out of the kitchen to print out a recipe to cook for dinner.

I hear Luke playing by the stairs, then a noise, then crying.

I go back into the room and scoop him up to comfort him.

Blood. Where is it coming from and why is there so much?

His forehead. Above his left eye.

Kevin is outside. I run to the door and yell.

We apply pressure and the bleeding stops but there's a y-shaped gash that looks bigger than a normal scrape.

Off to Urgent Care we go.

Two and a half hours later.

One very upset, very stubborn, very tired, very mad 15 month old.

Kevin was holding Luke's head, I was holding his hands and the nurse was holding his feet. Three adults holding down a 26 lb. baby. The nurse said, "Wow, he's strong."

I was singing every song I could think of in his ear to calm him down.

Four stitches.

Doctor said there will be a tiny scar.

Just lovely for the family Thanksgiving photo.

For those of you that know I get very faint/queasy with the whole hospital/doctor/blood thing -- you will be happy to know that I did fine. I couldn't look when they gave him the shot to numb the cut. I kept telling myself while she was stitching that he could not feel anything. But it was really hard to see him so upset. As soon as they were done, he was fine.

The BandAid has to stay on for 24 hours. Maybe we'll try to get a picture after that.


Anonymous said...

Poor Luke and poor Mommy. The first time that happened to us, Todd thought I was going to hyperventilate! By our 5th trip to the ER I wasn't nervous at all!

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy!! I just read your facebook & realized that I missed a post. Hope he is doing better.