Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Climb Every Mountain

Just as I thought, Luke is about to embark on what some parents fondly refer to as "the climbing stage". He has figured out how to pull himself onto the kitchen chairs. The only problem is that he likes to hang his head over and look down at the floor. If you remember anything from biology class or Jerry Maguire, a baby's head weighs something like 3 times the rest of his body. Saying that he is a little "top heavy" is putting it mildly.

His toes can grip vertical surfaces better than Spiderman. It really is amazing to watch. He was trying to scale the front of our refrigerator the other day by holding the handles and walking up the front very similar to what you might see a ROCK CLIMBER doing!!! But he was doing it without shoes on a slick surface. And no safety harness either.

He has almost mastered climbing up onto our king size bed. Our dog Sadie is sweating bullets. For you see, the middle of the king sized bed is the only place she can go where she is absolutely, positively certain that Luke can't poke her, pat her, grab her or otherwise annoy her. Once he masters the bed, it is all over for that poor dog. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Now here's my dilemma: do I grab the camera and take pictures of his climbing antics to put on the blog or do I hover over him 24/7 to make sure he doesn't hurt himself?

As you can see, I've recently chosen the "hover" option since no pictures accompany this post.

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