Thursday, September 4, 2008

Throwback Thursday

The date: August 1987
The place: Freshman Week at Louisiana College
The mood: Let's not talk about the mood. Let's focus on the hair. It is hard to see because the background is dark but trust me --- we had big hair. Lots and lots of hair. It was the 80's and we were livin' large! Good thing there were no open flames nearby or we would have gone up in a poof of mousse and Aussie Scrunch Spray or was it Matrix Vavoom? So many products with amazing results wouldn't you say? The scary thing is that while our makeup was probably a little heavier than normal, the hair was pretty much our normal every day hair. Yikes!

My roommate Kim is the red head and our friend Janet is in the middle. We were dressed up as the Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell sisters. Remember them? We did a lip sync to the song "I've Been Cheated" for Freshman Week at LC. Freshman Week (if anyone cares) is held during the first week of classes and is designed to haze welcome the freshmen to the campus. The last night involves skits and competitions. We were Barbara, Louise and Irlene. Louise was the talented one and Irlene was the ditzy one. They had the variety show on TV in the early 80's where they would sing and dance and sometimes dress up. Good times.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering...which one of you played the ditzy one?

rg said...

Janet played Barbara because her hair was sort of blonde. I played Louise because I had the darkest hair and Kim played Irlene the ditzy one. Although in reality Kim and Janet were far more talented musically than I could ever hope to be. I did have an awesome air guitar solo if I recall.