Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some things never change


Yes, those are Luke's toes poking out of my kitchen cabinet. He kept wanting to get into my cabinets so we cleared one out and put toys in it for him.
He was trying to figure out how to close the door. Note the nice runny nose. Allergies, maybe? We aren't sure.
He decided to get out and play with dad instead. I'm glad his bangs cover the goose egg on his forehead.

Hey this looks familiar. Same age (13 months). Different kitchen. Hey, who knew kitchen cabinets could be this fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both my boys did this too. Bathroom cabinets were fascinating for them as well, with feminine products often being the toy of choice.

I love reading your blog b/c it brings back so many memories of my own when they were this age. They are 3 years apart (now 12 & 9)--close to the age span between your two--so your experiences sound very much like mine.

Ever since you gave me that link to the Hosanna post--I've been reading your blog every day. Such fun!