Monday, September 15, 2008

Proud of my boys

We had a fun weekend in Stone Mountain. We are all tired and we are all sick with colds so this will be short and sweet.

Here's why I am proud:
Fletcher: My 4 1/2 year old hiked all the way to the top of Stone Mountain (at least a 45 minute hike) with Kevin, Aunt Stacie and his cousins Graham and Anna. He never asked to be carried AND he walked back down too. It is not a leisurely climb! They also (including Papa Charlie) did the Sky Hike while I stayed on the ground with Luke. The SkyHike is hard to explain but it is like a series of various bridges made out of rope or wood that you have to cross while wearing a harness. There's no way to fall because you are hooked on by a cable above you. The adults said it was really a workout! I know Fletcher was a little scared because those places were pretty high up but he did the whole thing and Kevin only had to carry him across a couple of times.

Luke: He has still been having serious "stranger anxiety" and won't let anyone but mom or dad hold him. He still didn't want anyone to hold him this weekend but he did let Grandma and Aunt Holly push him in the stroller and he had fun playing with his cousins. There were lots of new faces for him so I am proud he didn't just cry the entire time! He also had his first McDonalds hamburger and fries on the ride home. For a kid with two teeth, he had no problems gumming those fries!

Kevin: He was (and still is) sick with a terrible cold, but he was a trooper all weekend and still did all those fun things with Fletcher when I know he probably would have preferred to be in bed.

I was stressed for most of Friday and Saturday worried about my family in Houston and Sulphur and Hurricane Ike. They were not in low lying areas so they were not under mandatory evacuation. Thankfully, I was able to keep in touch with them throughout the storm to see how they were doing. Fortunately, they had no major damage although my brother in Houston and sister in Sulphur are still without power. I really feel for the people who just got back on their feet from Hurricane Rita three years ago and now they have to do it all again.

Hopefully, we'll have more pictures to post later in the week.

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