Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halloween 2012

Since we are the new kids in town (not to be confused with The New Kids on the Block), we headed to another family's house to go trick-or-treating (is that even a word?).  They live in a neighborhood where all of the houses are pretty close together so we just had to hit their street and a cul-de-sac and call it a night.

Here are a few pics and a couple of funny stories.

Once again, Spiderman gets the bad guy.  (Love Fletcher's face).  Most of you know that Fletcher is my typical first born rules follower.  He is not one to get in trouble at school or church (home is a different story).  We were walking through the neighborhood and a police car with its lights on came driving slowly down the street.  It was just patrolling the area because there were kids everywhere.  Fletcher's friend started yelling, "Hey!  Here's your escaped prisoner.  Here's the bad guy.  This is who you are looking for!" Fletcher was so nervous, hiding behind Kevin and telling his friend to stop saying that.  I wanted to stop the officer and get a picture of Fletcher in the back seat of his patrol car, but I didn't want to keep the officer from doing his job.  I don't think Fletcher would have wanted to sit in the police car, even as a joke.  Luke, on the other hand....
 The other family has 4 kids.  They went with a super hero theme too.  Green Lantern, Iron Man, Wolverine, Supergirl and Incredible Hulk dad.  They all had fun pretending they had caught the bad guy - Fletcher.
 It's all about the pose.

A few weeks before Halloween, Luke and I had the following conversation...

Luke (while wearing his costume):  Mom, I want to be Spiderman when I grow up.
Me:  Oh really?  That's cool.  You do know Spiderman isn't real, right?  (While I want to encourage his imagination, I don't want him living at home with me when he is 30 because the superhero thing didn't work out.)
Luke:  Yes, I know Spiderman isn't real.  He's really Peter Parker.
Me:  *sigh*