Thursday, April 22, 2010

That Can't Be Comfortable

This is how I found Luke the other day during his nap. Face down with his legs hanging off the side of the bed sound asleep. When I opened the door to take a better picture, he stirred a little bit but his little legs were still hanging off the side of the bed (picture #2). He is not a conventional sleeper. I find him turned around the other direction in his bed with his head way down by the foot of the bed all the time. I've given up trying to keep covers on him because no matter how tightly I tuck in the sheets and blankets, they end up balled up at the foot of the bed or on the floor.

(As you can see, I am still searching for the right paint color and the right twin bed for his room. )

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

I always like when you find them with a leg hanging out of the crib. I always find Caleb completely covered by his pillow and sheets.