Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gotta Love the KJV

We've been reading a new devotional book during Bible time. Well, it is new to us. It was actually written in 1962. It is short enough to hold Fletcher's attention, but has some good questions and a Bible passage to look up. It teaches some important basic truths of our Christian faith. It also has a hymn at the end. Now I grew up in a Baptist church and we sang lots and lots of hymns, but most of these are so old even I don't know them. (Insert joke here)

Tuesday night we were talking about how there is one God but three persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Only the book called it the Holy Ghost because this was written in 1962 and it uses the King James Version of the Bible (we substitute the NIV so Fletcher can understand it). We had to explain that it wasn't a ghost like in Scooby Doo or Halloween, but that "Ghost" was referring to "Spirit". Fletcher seemed ok with that. The Trinity is a hard concept to understand even for adults so you can imagine how hard it must be for a kid.

Well, the hymn for the night was The Doxology. Since I actually knew that one I sang it for Fletcher.

Mom: (singing) Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Fletcher: Mom! Could you stop with all the Holy Ghost stuff?? You are really freaking me out.

Ahh...yet another successful evening of Bible time.

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