Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It Was Only A Matter Of Time

Luke's preschool has a carpool line for drop off and pick up. Normally, the director of the preschool, the administrative assistant and the chapel teacher are the three ladies who load and unload the kids each morning and afternoon. We've been at this preschool for four years now (3 years for Fletcher and 1 for Luke). By now I know that if the child's teacher brings the child to the car, it is typically NOT good news.

Luke's teacher brought him to the car on Tuesday.

She opened the car door and said, "Well...we did scissor practice today and I was telling them to only cut the paper and I heard Luke say 'Wook, I can cut my hair!' "

All I could do was laugh (but tried to hide the fact that I was laughing since I DON'T want him to do it again). She said, "I am so glad you are laughing because I was almost in tears."

He did it front and center. Good thing he needed a haircut anyway. Since he has rock star hair we can just sort of mess up the front and cover it up.
Can you stand the cuteness? And the leftover chocolate from dinner?


Georgia Girl said... have chocolate for dinner, my favorite!

Georgia Girl said...

We sheared Caleb's hair this weekend and Mark snagged a bit too much off the front (which in my opinion is a tad too short and now has a hole) so I used "product" to stand up the ends in front - looked great! He kept asking if it was crazy hair day.

Anonymous said...

My gosh, Rachel, he looks just like you!