Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Unfortunately, Luke started running a fever Friday night that continued off and on through Sunday so we had a very low key Easter. Luke and I stayed home from church since he couldn't be in the nursery. Not sure what he has. His rash from a few months ago looks like it might be back along with a runny nose. It could just be the change in the weather, but that doesn't explain the fever. I guess I should quit trying to diagnosis him with my Dr. Google degree.

We did make a few Easter crafts and have an egg hunt on Saturday.
These are Easter lilies made out of their handprints (the white part). Aren't they so cute? They were super easy too. I need to remember these for Luke's preschool class next year.
Instead of going all Martha Stewart and dyeing eggs this year, we painted them. I bought a little kit with paint and mini sponge rollers. It was super messy, but they had fun. Mine is the pink one since so very few things in this house are pink!

On Sunday morning the Easter Bunny was up to his old tricks again. He had a string maze like last year that each of the boys had to follow to find their baskets. Luke had no desire to follow a string so his awesome big brother was glad to help.

I took some video footage over the weekend but it didn't turn out that great. The lighting wasn't right. When my boys watch these videos years from now I think they will roll their eyes and say "what was she thinking?" Well, they are probably going to say that about alot of things, but at least they will have each other to commiserate with.

Here are a few clips anyway.

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