Monday, December 7, 2009

That Didn't Take Long

Mom: Fletcher, what happened?
Fletcher: Luke was touching the lights and I told him to stop.
Mom: And...
Fletcher: I tried to take the lights from him.
Mom: And...
Fletcher: The tree started jiggling.
Mom: And...
Fletcher: I don't know what happened.
Mom: Where were you?
Fletcher: We might have been under the tree.

At this point I sent both of them to their rooms because it was inappropriate for me to get video footage for the blog while they were watching. That might somehow affirm their behavior. Luke was happily playing completely unaware of the chaos he helped cause. Fletcher was crying in his room saying, "Christmas is ruined! It is just ruined. Ruined forever." Overreact much?

This could be the longest 18 days of my life.

1 comment:

Georgia Girl said...

Oh my! I see this in my future ahead. How tall is the tree? I heard about the lights being out, too. You do have a long 18 days!! We bought a light switch that operates the outlet so we don't have to go behind and plug it in and out. That has been helpful.