Friday, December 18, 2009

Holy GPS

I am on a mailing list for John Piper's ministry called Desiring God. Each month he sends a letter with a brief devotional thought. This month's letter was written by Jon Bloom, Executive Director.

This excerpt below was a good reminder for me in this economy and in this Christmas season:

The Holy Family's first few years were not tranquil. They were filled with grueling travel during the hardest part of pregnancy, a birth in worse than a barn, no steady income, an assassination attempt, two desert crossings on foot with an infant, living in a foreign country, waiting on God for guidance and provisions just in the nick of time. It was difficult, expensive, time-consuming, career delaying and full of uncertainty.

And it was God's will.

The unplanned, inefficient detours of our lives are planned by God. They are common for disciples, and they commonly don't make sense in the moment. But God's ways are not our ways because our lives are about him, not about us. He is orchestrating far more than we know in every unexpected event and delay.

So when you find yourself suddenly moving in a direction you had not planned, take heart, hold tight, and trust God's navigation.

1 comment:

Monette said...

thanks for sharing that...I just read it today and it is a good Word!! See, i should be having my quiet time and instead i am catching up on snickelfritz...God is so good to me :)