Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gettin' Our Craft On

I'm not that crafty although I love looking at and reading about what other people have made. Another blog reminded me of the good old traditional paper snowflake and how easy it is to make. Fletcher and I pulled out the paper and started folding and cutting. He really had a great time trying to make different patterns and see what would turn out. We were talking about how no two real snowflakes are exactly alike and how that's like us - God makes each person unique. Little did I know that two of the white pieces of paper were stuck together when he cut them and he did indeed create two identical snowflakes (see picture). Gotta love those teachable moments even when I'm not sure what to teach.

By the way, the blue and green panels are new. They are in our entryway. We did not make those. Now that would be crafty! They are made of wood and let's just say you would have laughed seeing me trying to carry all three of them at the same time to the front of the HomeGoods store so I could buy them. I didn't have a cart because I had just run in to browse around. Those were the only three there and there were lots of people shopping. I didn't want someone else to buy them while I went to the front of the store to get a cart. Is that ridiculous?! Don't answer that. Finally, I got the attention of a stock room guy and he helped me carry them the rest of the way. If I get tired of the colors or want to use them somewhere else in the house, I can always spray paint them a different color!

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