Thursday, December 24, 2009


We've tried to find an ornament each year since we've gotten married. I use the term "we" loosely because it has generally been "me" trying to keep the tradition alive (Love ya' babe). Initially, when I was newly married with no kids, I tried to find an ornament that represented something big that year. I thought long and hard and asked Kevin for suggestions. But now almost 12 Christmases and 2 kids later, I'm doing good to pop in to the 7 Eleven and carve 2009 on a beef jerky stick and hang it on the tree. Left to right.
1998 - our first Christmas as a married couple.
1999 - we bought our first house and spent tons of time working on it (thus the tools).
2000 - Sadie came into our lives. For you detail oriented people, our real dog does have a long beagle tail. I thought I didn't put any breakable ornaments on the tree this year, but some little hands proved me wrong. Tail is now in junk drawer waiting to be glued back on.

2001 - we moved to Tallahassee and bought a new house. We were supposed to move in by November but that didn't happen. Then when we finally did move in the wood floors were a mess with huge gaps in them. It was a very stressful time that year. So yes, that is a piece of wood flooring as our ornament.
2002 - The HGTV Dream House. Through Kevin's job, he had the opportunity to be the project manager for the HGTV house they give away each year. This one was in the Florida Panhandle. He spent lots of time there, but it turned out great. (This ornament looks nothing like the actual house. I just needed a representative house).

2003 - Nine days before Christmas, Fletcher was born. What an awesome gift!
2004 - Now we get to start buying family ornaments. I didn't think a poopy diaper or spit up on a burp rag would be an appropriate ornament although that did represent our year.
2005 - I started getting lazy. Found this dated picture frame ornament at Target and inserted our family Christmas picture.
2006 - Hard to see in the picture, but it is a little boy looking out the window waiting for Santa. Waiting represented our year that year. Waiting to adopt another baby. Waiting to hear about Kevin's job. This is also the year we moved to the Carolinas.
2007 - Luke joined our family. Yes, I realize this baby has blond hair and Luke's hair is brown. Two kids is a whole new ball game.
2008 - This is one of those Willow Tree ornaments called "Family". I liked it. I bought it. That is all. Side note: I realize the Willow Tree stuff creeps some people out since they don't have eyes or facial features. I'm ok with that. I have a few other pieces and their simplicity is cool to me.
2009 - Wait... where is the 2009 ornament? Time to head to 7 Eleven.

Eleven years of memories. Do you have ornaments for every year?


Traci said...

Very cute!! I'm loving the idea of a beef jerky stick hanging from the tree!! Too funny!!

Anonymous said...

We don't have family ornaments for every year, but we do buy the boys each an ornament for the year. This year's ornaments were a deer for Curt (first hunting trip), a space shuttle for Jack (no reason-he picked it) and a nativity family for Dan (Jack picked Dan's because the couple had a baby and Dan is a baby.) By the time the boys are old enough to have their own trees they should have a nice collection started.