Monday, December 1, 2008

To Do List

My To Do List for the next few weeks is ridiculously long.

We've decided to go ahead and list our house for sale. So in addition to the regular stuff like putting away laundry from our trip and sorting through mail, I need to organize closets and box up a few items.

Plus there are the Christmas gifts I need to buy and have shipped to various locations (Can I get an Amen for internet shopping?!W).

Oh, and there's Fletcher's birthday party and the cupcakes I need to bring to his class.

Somewhere in there I need to put up Christmas decorations including our Jesse Tree ornaments.

Write Christmas cards. But first I have to find an appropriate picture.

Organize coupons. Lots of coupons expire at the end of the month so I have to take them out of my binder.

Kevin's work party and our neighborhood party.

Then there's Stitches Boy who I can't take my eyes off for a second without him getting into something. I wish he still fit in my baby sling.

I really try to be low key during the holidays. We try not to rush around or overextend ourselves so we can really remember what this season is all about. But this year it is only December 1 and I'm already tired, but a nap is not on my To Do List. Maybe I'll have to pencil one in.


Anonymous said...

A nap should be included on a to do list AT LEAST once a week!

Anonymous said...

Naps?!?! Never heard of them. Hope you can get some things marked off your to do list, so that you can get some rest!

Can't wait to see y'all at Christmas!!

Georgia Girl said...

Can you pencil in a nap for me, too? Every day between the hours of 12-2 I think of how nice it is that my *Sparticus gets to enjoy a nap.

*Name changed to protect the innocent (and amuse myself).