Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
Toys are overrated. We'd rather play with the bubble wrap.
Fletcher and Luke

P.S. (from Fletcher) No, Santa I don't need winter clothes. I just choose to wear shorts and a tshirt year round. It drives my mom crazy.


Georgia Girl said...

If it makes you feel better, my snickerdoodle wants to wear the SAME shirt everyday. So I bought him four Thomas shirts in different colors but now he wants to carry them ALL around!

PS-can't see the video at work, so I look forward to that at home.
See you tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

Jack wears shorts and tees year round, too. Recently I had to steal his favorite shirt and hide it because he has been wearing it for THREE years! Can we say "too small"??

Georgia Girl said...

Video is priceless! We haven't played that game yet, but looks like fun. I'll have to dig some of the bubble wrap out.

PS-The 2 year olds were great last night but there was one 1 year old boy as a little drummer boy - let's just say he was born to be on stage. He had his little drum and stick and was marching away, playing his drum. Precious!!!