Monday, December 15, 2008

Here We Go Again

Fletcher is really enjoying the whole concept of Christmas music this year. Our Christian radio station here in town started playing Christmas music nonstop the day after Thanksgiving. So every time we get in the car, we hear various Christmas songs. Most of them I like, but the Christmas Shoes song annoys me to no end. But that's not my point.

Fletcher has also been really trying to figure out what is true and what is not true. We've told him that what he reads in the Bible is true. But then he heard the song "The Little Drummer Boy" and wanted to know if there really was one. So we launched into the discussion that the Bible doesn't specifically record any drummer boy, but that the writer of the song made it up in his head. The point of the song is that the boy gave what he had to Jesus. This is how the writer thought it could have happened. Sometimes I seriously can't believe I'm having these conversations with a four year old.

So ----
"Silent Night" comes on the radio.
Fletcher: Mom, what does this song mean?
Mom (thinking "here we go again"): Well, it is talking about the night that Jesus was born being a quiet, holy night.
Fletcher: I don't think that song is true.
Mom: Why is that?
Fletcher: They were in a stable with animals. I think the animals were noisy, not silent.
Mom: That's a good point. It might have been a little noisy.
Fletcher: It probably smelled pretty bad in there too.

Maybe he should write his own Christmas songs.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait until I have stories to tell like this about Bear.

Georgia Girl said...

Thank you - I am so glad to hear that Christmas Shoes is annoying to someone besides me!

Fletcher needs to hear the chicken clucking song for Silet Night because as he said I'm sure it wasn't that quiet. I mean can you imagine giving birth naturally in a stable.