Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Letter From My 40 year old self to my 20 year old self

Dear 20 year old Rachel,

I know you are having the time of your life in college. You and your big hair. I'm writing to you from the future (cue the Back to the Future theme song). Here are a few things you need to know in order to make it to 40. And yes, I know, right now to you, forty sounds ancient so no old person jokes, okay?

First, wear sunscreen. Lots and lots of sunscreen. Especially on your face. Daily. Otherwise, you will get these unsightly brown patches that really look bad. You will spend hours in your thirties looking in the mirror wondering how to get rid of them or cover them up. Lose the baby oil and aluminum foil. Cancel the membership to the tanning bed. You might be frying your ovaries.

Second, when _________ and __________ and _________ break up with you, try not to take it too hard. I know, I know. You will be devastated and spend hours crying your eyes out. You'll wonder how you can continue living. You'll wonder what is wrong with you. You'll wonder why everyone else is getting married except you. But God has this amazing guy that He is currently working on for you. You won't meet him for a few more years. But trust me, this is the guy you want to be married to. He is far and away better than _______ and _________ and ________ in more ways than you can imagine. When you realize what marriage is all about, you will be thankful that they broke up with you. Over and over, you will see that there's good. . . and then there's God's best. Hold out for God's best. Oh, and you'll have to be a bridesmaid ten times before it is your turn to get married. Start saving now for the dresses and shoes.

Third, you'll be teaching school when you get out of college. High school math to be exact. Most days you'll wonder what the heck you are doing and wonder when the students are going to figure out that they are smarter than you. You will go on to have other cool and fun jobs. You'll even get to travel to Hawaii! But the job you will love the most is being a mom. It will take you awhile to become a mom and the road God takes you down isn't the one you are expecting, but there are two little boys who will make it all worthwhile.

Fourth, you think you are hip and cool because AOL sent you a CD in the mail so you could have your own email account. The trouble is you don't have a computer. When you finally get a computer, it will take forever to dial up and connect and make a really odd noise. Trust me, the technology you will see in the next 20 years will blow you away. Oh, and if someone suggests that you invest in Microsoft or Google, do it.

Fifth, make time for your family. You don't know it yet, but you'll end up miles and miles away from them after you get married and the relationship you build now will carry you when you are so far away. It will be hard. You will miss them terribly, but refer back to my fourth point about technology and you'll find ways to keep up.

Sixth, just like family, make time for your friends. You are forming friendships in college that you will still have when you are 40. Some of your fondest memories of your life will be the ones you are making right now in college. You'll make friends in Houston when you graduate who will walk with you through all of life's ups and downs. Again, it will be hard to keep up, but things like Christmas cards, email, and Facebook will make it easier. You will be amazed at who ends up married to whom and how some of your friends who can't keep up with their car keys right now will end up with 4 kids! When you end up in new places (and you'll be moving alot), invest in new friendships. By the time you are 40, you will have friends all over the world - literally.

Seventh, go ahead and just get rid of The Plan. I know, The Plan is that you will meet The Guy in your junior year of college which by your calculations should be next year. You will date and get engaged your senior year. You'll get married when you graduated. You'll be 22. You want to start having kids at 25 and be done by the time you are 28. Well, little do you know that you'll get married at 29 1/2. Your first baby will be born 7 days after your 35th birthday because God has a sense of humor. At 40 you'll be chasing after a 1 year old. Yeah, I said it, a 1 year old. So you better start working out. Or at least lay off the late night Domino's pizza.

Finally, some things never change. The God you love and serve right now at 20 is the same yesterday, today and forever. You'll get to know Him even better as He walks with you through various events over the next 20 years. You will be reminded again and again how much He loves you and has an amazing plan for your life. He'll use you to teach the Bible to singles. He'll use you to minister to college students when you are older and wiser. Just continue to be available.

Happy Birthday, kiddo. Make the most of the next 20 years. Live fully. Love deeply. Take lots of pictures because your kids won't believe you when you tell them you rode a camel. You'll need proof. No worries and no regrets. But definitely wear sunscreen.

The 40 year old Rachel

P.S. When your friends convince you that you should buy a mountain bike at the age of 25, don't do it. Just don't. The huge scar on my knee will thank you.

P.S.S. There probably should have been ten points, but this 40 year old is tired and ready for bed - at 9 pm. I know. Don't even say it. My Geritol awaits.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Rachel!! I don't believe that you are really 40. Hope you have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, friend! I'm glad I'm one of those college friends that have been around for the long haul. Love you!

Georgia Girl said...

That was just what I needed to hear this morning! Really put some things in perspective, which I need right now. Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday!

Thom Trahan said...

Happy Birthday! I bet the 20 year old you would be confused reading this... "what's a google? facebook? is that like a space-book?"

JC said...

Happy birthday, Rachel. My 40 countdown is at the 3-month mark.

btw, I haven't lost my car keys in, like, days. So there.

Anonymous said...

Wow Rachel,
I really enjoyed that! I can relate to the breaking up with _____ and _____ and _______. I am so glad they broke up with me so I could find the one God had for me. He so knows what is best for us! I really admire you and always have. Hope you have a fantastic birthday! Remember that God loves His beautiful creation!
Because He lives,

Anonymous said...

this was awesome!

saintdee01 said...



Anonymous said...

I KNEW that something was going on that second week of December. I had this constant nagging feeling that I was missing something. I am SO sorry that I missed telling you HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 9th. Us December babies have to stick together. It was good to hear from you and thank you for remembering my big 4-0. I love your blog. I am so thankful that we have continued to keep in touch over these years and I contritube a lot of that to our current technology - although some friends have forgotten how to use it! Your family is so precious. (I know what you mean about being 40 and chasing a 1 year old - mine just happens to be 2!) And I don't think that the car key / 4 kids comment was aimed at me, so I wasn't offended! Take care. Love, Kim B