Monday, January 10, 2011

Thing 1 and Thing 2

There's a new show on PBS Kids called "The Cat In The Hat Knows Alot About That!" (you'd think they could have come up with a shorter title.  Just sayin')

Fletcher and Luke both like watching the show and have learned alot about various animals from the show.  Just like the original book, Thing 1 and Thing 2 are in the show.  They are the Cat in the Hat's helpers.  Fletcher and Luke pretend to be Thing 1 and Thing 2 which cracks me up since Thing 1 and Thing 2 are twins and Fletcher and Luke are nowhere near twins. 

Well, Christmas rolled around and my sister was asking for ideas for gifts for the boys.  I told her about the show and how they like it. 

My niece Traci and Aunt D made these for them.  I think they are probably one of my favorite things they received this Christmas. 
 Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts and matching pajama pants.   Traci's son Bear saw them at his house when she was working on them and asked if they were his.  So they made him a pair too and let him be The Cat in the Hat. 
They all wore these almost the entire day.  Bear even wore his to bed.  They get lots of use at our house because of course if Thing 1 wears his to bed then Thing 2 has to put his on too or vice versa. 

What a fun idea!  Thanks Aunt D and Traci!

For those of you who may be wondering why the blog was quiet at the end of last week, Luke ended up with a double ear infection and I ended up with a sinus infection and an ear infection.  We've been wiped out!  I haven't felt like getting on the computer.  We are on antibiotics now and will hopefully be feeling better very soon.  It is supposed to snow alot today (Monday) so hopefully we will have some fun snow pictures to show tomorrow. 

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