Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Little Surprise

One of the things I was most excited about on our trip was getting to meet baby Evie for the very first time.  She is my great niece.  She was born in April and even though we've seen lots of pictuers of her, this is the first time we've gotten to see her in person.  She did not disappoint.  She is as cute as she can be.  Toothless grin.  Sweet brown eyed girl.  Crawling on her belly military style.  And interested in everything she is not supposed to be getting into.  Both Fletcher and Luke loved holding her although she didn't sit still for long. 

This is Evie with her brother Bear.  I was ready to take her home with me on the plane.  I tried to tell my niece (her mom) that babies fly free, but she wasn't buying it.  Evie almost had me convinced that we might need a little girl around here, but then I had to sit in the Dallas airport with Fletcher and Luke for almost an hour layover and I realized two kids are about all I can handle ThankYouVeryMuch. 

Well, my nephew and his wife (does that make her my niece-in-law or what? So confusing.) were expecting a baby and due on January 23.  I was glad we would get to see Katie and her pregnant belly over Christmas,  but I was bummed that we probably wouldn't get to meet the baby until she was older like Evie since we won't be back to Louisiana for awhile.  Well, through a series of kinda scary events (preeclampsia and an emergency c-section), baby Alice Elizabeth was born 3 weeks early on December 28, 2010 at 8:08 pm weighing 6 lbs 11 ounces and 20 inches long.  She was perfectly healthy with no time in the PICU.  At that weight, I can only imagine how big she would have been if she would have gone full term.  We got to go to the hospital and see her.  There's nothing like holding a newborn baby.  She is just beautiful.  I know Thom and Katie were shocked and surprised by her early arrival (Thom had just finished the crib the day before she was born).  But this Aunt Rachel is really glad I got to meet her before we came home.  She seemed so tiny especially since Fletcher weighed 9 lbs 3 oz when he was born and Luke was 8 lbs 13 oz.  The were like linebackers compared to her little almost 7 lb self! 

Now on to the pictures:
Baby Alice Elizabeth (love her name)
Proud new dad (Thom) and my dad (Alice's great-grandfather).
My mom (Alice's great-grandmother)
Great Aunt Rachel and Alice
Introducing Alice to her (second) cousins Fletcher and Luke.
Alice with her Gran Dee (my sister).
At the hospital (I was starting to not feel well - can you tell?)
Alice in her going home outfit.
Family photo (Katie, Alice and Thom).  They are going to be such great parents. 
P.S.  Happy Birthday, Grandma! 

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