Monday, November 22, 2010

Finished Product

Here is Fletcher's finished diorama.  As a brief reminder history lesson (don't feel too badly - I had to look it up too), Squanto was an Indian who was captured by an Englishman, taken back to England, taught to speak English and returned to his homeland.  There's more to his story, but those are the basic details.  After the Pilgrims arrived on Plymouth Rock and barely survived a brutal winter, he offered to help them by teaching them how to fish and fertilize their crops to grow more corn. 

 Squanto and the Pilgrims are figures from Fletcher's Playmobil toys.  See the corn growing in the real dirt?  See the GIANT fish in the basket?  The little house is a typical house that the Pilgrims built with clapboard style siding and a thatched type roof made of straw (kind of like straw from a broom). 
 Their costumes are made of felt, sticky foam, pipe cleaners and a feather.  The Indian warpaint is Mom's eyeliner. 
I think he is proud of the finished product. 

Let's just say I think I may have inhaled too many fumes from all the rubber cement we put into this little


GranDee said...


Anonymous said...

Fletcher might like the Magic Treehouse book about Thanksgiving. Squanto is a major part of the story...