Thursday, July 15, 2010

Throwback Thursday

I haven't done a Throwback Thursday in awhile. Recently, one of Kevin's colleagues from back at his St. Joe days was in our area and stopped by for dinner. He is a professional photographer and he brought us a disk of some pictures he took of us several years ago.

The company Kevin worked for would ask employees and their families to be in the photo shoots for their annual reports and marketing brochures. We did this several times and I could probably fill a week's worth of blog post of stories from the shoots. Everything from drama queen makeup artists to wardrobe malfunctions. Sometimes they used the photos. Sometimes they didn't. We still got paid a small stipend for doing it. It was usually fun and was a crazy way to spend an afternoon or morning or evening depending on when they needed to do the photos.

Kevin walked down this path several or eight times to get these shots. They are probably my favorites from the day.

My eyes are super sensitive to the sun (I've worn contacts since the 6th grade). When I am outside without my sunglasses, I squint. The photographer took 100s of pictures and in almost all of the pool ones I am squinting. Once again, we're not professionals. I remember the tea was unsweetened. Blech!

These were done in the summertime and that was a wool sweater they gave me to wear. I'm not sure what kind of look the hair/makeup person was going for with my hair and Fletcher's hair, but she was way off. Fletcher was not interested in smiling or doing anything they wanted him to do. Kevin and I were trying to think of anything to get him to smile or laugh.
The horse pictures were a little stressful. I haven't spent much time around horses and I think this horse could sense that. Sure I'm smiling in the first picture, but you can see by my expression in the second picture that I was not having any fun.

Some of the images were taking forever to upload so I went with the smaller versions.
Mr. GQ in the barn.

Can you stand the cheesiness? It was like prom all over again.

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