Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Goats On The Roof

I think the name says it all.

We made a quick trip to GA to visit Grandma and Papa Charlie. While we were there, we took the boys to this great place.

The goats hang out on the roof and you can buy goat feed and send it up to the roof and feed them.

Exhibit A.
Lots of fun stuff inside the store too like this saddle.

And this silly bear hat and walking stick.

There were even some baby goats who are not allowed on the roof yet.

Pedal the bike; send the bucket up to the roof.
Feeling the horns on the baby goat's head.

Fletcher sending food up to the goats.

Hello Mr. Bear.
Choo! Choo! Or I guess a goat would say Chew! Chew!

The boys also "panned for gold" where "gold" is defined as various gems. They really had fun with this. Luke especially enjoyed playing in the muddy water. But it took him a minute to realize that he was not supposed to throw the gems into the water. Silly boy.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

My parents literally live about 20-30 minutes away from this place:) LOVE is so....random south fun;) Hopefully the next time we are in NC we will make a stop near you guys.